A review by corymojojojo
Wizard by John Varley


Another Varley book for the win. Bit of a slow start, but I could not put the book down during the last third. This is just a great, fantastical adventure series that is so weird and so good. I had no idea where this one was going but was very satisfied by the end, and it’s left me wanting to jump in immediately to the final book of the trilogy. Same great characters as the first (who have come a long way since the first book) and some intriguing new characters as well. While I didn’t necessarily like every decision with certain characters, overall I felt their motivations and feelings were well communicated. It must be emphasized that this is a WEIRD book (must I mention the complex chart in the appendix depicting the 29 different ways the alien centaurs can have sex?) but that’s part of what makes it so awesome!