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A review by musingofsouls
Privilege (WP Trilogy, #1) by Bharat Krishnan


Well! I do not have words for this one. This was kind of a new read for me. Most of the times I'm hovering around Fantasy and Crime/Mystery stuff but I decided to give the book a try as the blurb intrigued me.

The moment I started reading the words, I was hooked. The characters are absolutely strong. The emotions of each character are super strong and can be felt through Krishnan's way of words. The story is written from different points of view which makes it an excellent read.

Rakshan has a dream to achieve something (something which has got out of his hands) and due to that he wishes to reach the top. He also wishes to own the powerful drug WP which can help him have everything he wants. But, there is someone who is stopping him from doing so. Who is the one stopping him? What does Rakshan want? To find out grab a copy of this amazing book.

Bharat's way of narrating the point of view of each character seems very different to me and yet very intriguing and subtle. The flow of scenes and the upcoming events set up finely, even when the chapters are divided between the characters. Well, you need to read each line carefully. Miss a line and you might not understand what will come soon.

This is perfect example of thriller. And while I am not someone who likes political thrillers, I definitely recommend this to anyone who is atleast sixteen years old! I hope you all enjoy this book as much as I did!