A review by rickwren
A Feast for Crows by George R.R. Martin


The first time I read this book, I rated it two stars. This time I upped that by a star - but that isn't to say I'm terribly happy with this book. So far it marks the low-point in the series.

The author seems to have made a choice based on Geography - this is supposed to be the story of the characters who started the book in King's Landing. He's inconsistent even in this because to the best of my knowledge, neither Samwell Tarly, nor Arya Stark started this book in King's Landing. But what do I know, I'm just the reader.

The problem with this book is that it's 800 pages of people we really don't care about. Cersei is an incompetent fool, Tommen has no personality, Jaime spends the entire volume mourning his lost hand and talking about it on every single painful page, Brienne - who was awesome when on the quest with Jaime - is now reduced to annoying pissant, Sansa and Petyr were never very interesting in the first place . . .

Oh and the Greyjoys? How are they in a King's Landing book?

Martin lost his way in the writing and I can only hope that book 5 is better.