A review by sangeethat
The Case of the Love Commandos by Tarquin Hall


These books are always fun and entertaining but the political aspect of this one made it compelling reading as well. This book looks at two current issues in India, the caste system and the exploitation of poor indigenous people by white international companies. It deftly brings both together and makes many incisive comments on them. Face cream, my favourite of Puri's operatives, shows up and kicks ass, literally. She also educates some kids while inciting a slow rebellion in a village. The neo colonialism of international companies is shown to be disgusting and instead of merely making a comment about how the caste system is wrong, this book goes deeper by showing you what their lives are like, and the varied exploitation they are vulnerable to because of the caste system. It ends with Dalit women, who are at the most bottom of the ladder, deciding to fight the system together, and that to me was the soul of the book. Could not recommend it more!