A review by thebookishkat
Color Me Red by Beena Khan


Color Me Red is a book that delves deep into the realities-- the highest of highs and lowest of lows-- of what it's like to be in love. All of the emotions Elif went through oozed out of the page and latched onto my own.

We get two different stories that show the wide spectrum of love. On one hand, and swoon-worthy fairytale and on the other, raw and reflective of realistic bad relationships in the real world. Before Kabir, Elif truly experienced it all and it was so nice to see the story that shaped the Red that Kabir fell in love with.

I thought that Kabir was the best a man could get, but in this story, two really great characters were introduced. Isaah in particular was an absolute gem of romance fiction making it easy to realise why Elif never stopped holding on to him. Also, their steamy scenes-- despite them being relatively wholesome characters together -- were fun to read.

This story stretched my feelings to the limit and it was definitely a ride. Definitely a recommend for romance readers who are ready to feel EVERYTHING.