A review by books_and_cocktails_afterhours
Assassin's Quest by Robin Hobb


The first half of this book dragged too much for my liking, with very in depth descriptions of Fitz going from point A to point B and just dealing with his trauma. After the ending of book 2, the pacing in general felt off.

The ending however was fit for such a great trilogy. I liked that Fitz got the peace and to run with the wolf as he always wanted, but… and bear with me in this but. I felt there was all this build up and then we see verity just flying into the sunset. I would have liked more, much more than that.

Also, I like Molly even less with this book. I’m sorry, but I really don’t get the romance here. Maybe at the beginning, but after all Fitz has been through and after being surrounded with people that love him for who and what he is, no lies attached, he is still pining for the girl who understands nothing of him, his life and his duty?

As always, Nighteyes and the Fool are my absolute favorite characters. I really liked Kettle as well, she was a an amazing character and such a great addition to the plot!