A review by tagoreketabkhane31
The Silvered Serpents by Roshani Chokshi


I really wish that people would stop the comparisons between SoC and tGW - while they share similaires and perhaps even the general makeup of the main male and female protagonists, both are so radically different in their messages and temperament, and that change is paramount in the second book of the trilogy, the Silvered Serpents.

Séverin, Laila, Enrique, Zofia and Hypnos along with the rest of the cast of characters introduced in the first book return a couple of months after the events of the first book, as they focus their sights to Russia and the host of the Winter Conclave for the Order of Babel. As each characters processes the events from the end of the first book, we can immediately see that the tenor and pace of the second book would dramatically shift and I think this was needed for Chokshi to not only showcase her characters in a different light, but for them to also grow in their abilities and prepare for the grueling mental and physical challenges that they were set to face.

My only disquiet with the book is the way that Séverin discovered the meaning of Laila calling him Majnun. I wish it had been in a more intimate/painful setting for him, and that he would’ve had more time to ruminate in its meaning.

The ending of the book follows in the tradition of the first book, with the reader left with wanting more. I can’t wait for the third book, because I know it will be amazing!