A review by git_r_read
Embers by Laura Bickle


I will start off saying that I want a salamander familiar like Sparky. He's a sweetie and is ornery, I like that in a pet. Anya has had Sparky to help her out since she was small and they keep each other company, Anya's been pretty sure Sparky is all she needs. She's a Lantern, ingesting spirits who are basically evil, which makes being a loner a better option. Until she finds out there is another Lantern....one who is causing havoc and ingesting spirits who are not causing problems, ingesting them because he can. Oh, and he's trying to bring about the end of the world with an ancient being.
Anya kicks major ass and I want a Sparky of my own, please.
Five smokin' spirit ingestin' beans.....