A review by karlou
Heritage by S.M. Boyce


I've been properly won over to The Grimoire Saga with this, the third book in the series. I enjoyed the first, Lichgates but found it didn't always keep my attention and it took me a while to read it. Treason, the second book was more gripping, I liked its darker feel and therefore started this one immediately after finishing it. And this became the book where the story properly clicked for me. I love the world of Ourea with its complicated, bickering kingdoms, beautiful yet riddled with treachery and intrigue. The characters now feel fully imagined, even lesser characters. We learn more about their histories and their abilities. Kara and Braeden remain the main protagonists of course and the romance between the two heats up in this (while remaining fairly innocent, this is YA after all). I do enjoy books with a strong female lead character and refreshingly while she often relies on Braeden, the same is true in reverse. He needs her to rescue him too.
As I said at the start of this review, Lichgates took me a few weeks to read, Treason I finished in a few days, Heritage though I devoured in a day. It was a messy house, dinner burning sort of a book that I couldn't get down.
And now on to the final book in the sage, Illusion...