A review by meepelous
Night of the Living Deadpool by Cullen Bunn, Ramon Rosanas


And today we are diving back into Deadpool, this time with zombies! Night of the Living Deadpool, Written by Cullen Bunn, Art by Ramon Roasanas, Lettering by Joe Sabino, and cover art by Jay Shaw.

Comparing this to the two my two other deadpool read s(also by Cullen Bunn) I was a bit surprised by how little killing there was. OK I suspect that was just my perception, and not actually true, but there's a big difference between killing random zombies and killing all the superheroes in the Marvel universe. Plus killing all the zombies is not the only plot element.

But much like a zombie, this book certainly did a lot of lurching around from plot point to plot point, some of them good, some of them kind of boring. Much like the other two, I do feel like there is more than a little of the graphic novel that depends on the ideal reader's brain filling in the excitement.

As far as high points go, I thought that the fact that the zombies still talked was interesting and could perhaps make you feel worse about them being killed. I liked the way that Deadpool turned one of the evil zombie scientist head into a guiding lantern. And the final twist was very random. And while there is a sequel to this comic called Return of The Living Deadpool my library doesn't have it so I will likely not read it. It's a simple story, but not in the way that Jason Aaron's stories are always trying to be big complicated affairs but always still strike me as childish imitations of mature comics, so the simplicity isn't really a bad thing.

Since this volume was actually more about Deadpool being Deadpool then Deadpool being mind controlled, or whatever, into killing all of the Marvel Universe I was reminded why people like Deadpool. And while I've definitely fallen into the nihilistic misanthropy that late capitalism is currently inflicting on us, I'm currently in the process of trying to develop a more pro people pro cooperation perspective so I still can't really get into his schtick.

But I will keep reading Deadpool just because... That is all.