A review by violaerbach
Land of the Living by Nicci French


So the end was reaally bad... I don't know what's happening but just as soon I get excited about a book plot I discover a really shitty ending. Just the main idea getting lost and then round and round we go with some useless facts.... boring....
And let me freak out about the main character Abbie. I think she is effing illogical. All along the book she says that she's so afraid of the killer, that she thinks that she will came after her. And then she calmly walks in into a stranger's appartment (yes I know she had a key but really????) and fall asleep. Oh, no one will get me here. And she stays in that apartment! She does not know a thing about it's owner just the name, which can be fake, and she stays there...
An the other. She tries to rrecollect her memories. And goes to several people who were involved in her last project, to ask them about her last remembred days. So. She died her hair, and cut it off just to look different so the killer won't catch her. And we know from the beginnig that she mert with the killer somewhere. So she goes to this people each one of them can be our possible killer, and she freaking tells everybody her name!!! Like, are you stupid, or WHAT THE HELL???

Naaah.... Stupid ending. Don't want to spoiler it for you, but really stupid. The whole book was ruined for me somewhere in the middle of it, but the ending... I'm really dissapointed...

So I don't know. Definitely won't read it again. And I'm not quite sure that I would read something else from Nicci French either. I gave it one star just because the beginning was fascineting. And then nothing happened.