A review by elevetha
The Second Spy by Jacqueline West


3.5 stars.

Really good. So imaginative and original. I'd forgotten how much I loved this series.

Olive is a lovely main character with nothing to make me want to throttle/slap her.

Morton is adorable and just makes me want to hug him and make his life better.

Harvey/Captain Blackpaw/Agent 1-800/Sir Lancelot/that other personality I can't remember right now is the best. I. WANT. HIM.

Rutherford. I'm warming up to him.
Spoiler *gasp* He can read minds!!??

Horatio. I was so concerned for a minute when
Spoiler No. I'm not putting more spoilers because I know YOU, and YOU know who this is referring to, will just look at it and spoiler yourself and I can't be responsible for that. Needless to say, I was concerned for Horatio. But I do wonder how they didn't figure it out sooner...
I love Horatio and Olive's relationship. You might not think that a talking cat and a small kid can have an, "Awwww." friendship but you would be wrong.

Leopold wasn't in this one very much and I fully expect more of all the cats in the next book.


I love this series, for it's originality, writing, characters, etc. Very eager for the next book!