A review by paperbacktreasures
Scharlette Doesn't Matter and Goes Time Travelling by Sam Bowring


Scharlette Doesn’t Matter and Goes Time Traveling.... This, this is why I love reading. This book is EVERYTHING. Before I get ahead of myself, let me give you the lowdown on what this book is about.

Scharlette is dull. Her life, it’s dull. Her job, yeah that’s dull too. Sometimes she questions what she is doing with her life, but then she just downs another bottle of red and forgets what she was questioning to begin with. One day at work, things aren’t so dull, and something fantastical happens, and then she goes time traveling! Honestly, I can’t tell you more about the plot or characters without spoiling things, and there will be no spoilers here.

The books starts off with a very ‘Series of Unfortunate Events’ style narrative, but that honestly does not last long at all. This book is a journey. This is the most ridiculous and brilliantly written book I have ever read, and I’ve read a lot of books. The witty and charming characters and dialogue keep you engaged and hanging on for the ride.

From now on, I want all my space, time, and sciencey stuff to be told to me by Sam Bowring. This book is quirky in all the right places and unputdownable. If Dr. Seuss wrote and episode of Doctor Who, yeah this would be it. It is a light read, with a great impact. Why are you still reading this review? Pick up a copy and read if for yourself!

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.