A review by shonatiger
My Letters To Conceição by Jorge Molina del Callejo


Thank you to NetGalley and to Incorgnito Publishing Press for this ARC.

Here’s an unusual book, a series of letters to a former love: a mix of literary fiction, travel fiction, and ghost stories. I did find it slow going at first (I was annoyed by the failure of the narrator to get to the point), but I gradually got into the rhythm of it. My favourite parts were the travel bits — a rare travelogue, sensitive to local culture and people. I also enjoyed the stories about various relationships. Towards the end, the narrator starts to fall apart, and things get both weird and traumatic.

Content warnings for graphic violence and death in the last quarter or so of the book, with descriptions of the activities of the Khmer Rouge (so traumatic I skipped most of those pages). Also a warning about writing about mental health and suicide. These particular topics made me very uncomfortable, and while they were important to the story, I would not have read the book if I’d realised beforehand.

The premise of the book, however, is interesting, and the structure and execution are also worth reading the book for. If you don’t mind the content mentioned above, a worthwhile read.

Rated: 5/10