A review by iygatac_reads
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures by Stacie Ritchie, Laurell K. Hamilton, Jessica Ruffner, Ron Lim, Brett Booth


Solid, enjoyable. I used to be a reviewer of many words but now I feel short on them. Kind of waffled about 3 or 4 stars because I'm getting a little stingy on stars these days. I guess after I read a little more of the series I might come back and adjust the stars in relation to the rest, because sometimes I do that.

I enjoyed Anita and I liked reading about all the characters, even the characters I didn't like. This had like that blush of that whole sex and vampires thing without it being too much, ya know. Which maybe seems a weird thing to say when there's like a vampire-run strip club thing in it, but really even so, I didn't come out of this thinking the sex was the main thing you know. Like it was there enough to be interesting/to be part of the world, but not overwhelmingly or annoyingly so.

I enjoyed the mystery too and totally did not guess the "who" of the "who did it" !