A review by felinity
Breach Zone by Myke Cole


There's never a right answer. Even one that solves the current problem may be creating more, worse problems; even following the rules may not be the solution. Soldiers are trained to assess the situation, but when faced with impossible choices, what should be done? Is it worth trading 8 lives for 30 thousand, knowing that either the public or the military will never forgive you, even though the original order was illegal?

There are some very brutal truths in this book. Truths about politics, about fear of the unknown, fear of betrayal, about imposter syndrome - and either working through it or giving in - and truths about understanding what's really behind a speech. Through Harlequin's eyes, we also learn the truth about Scylla, about her discovery and imprisonment, and his struggle to forget the person she was while they battle on the streets of New York itself.

Disclaimer: I received a free ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.