A review by eleanorthomas26
Love Hurts by Malorie Blackman


It is very rare that I dislike a book. Very rare. I love all sorts of books, I just love words. In this case they let me down.

Love Hurts is anthology of young adult love stories; some are brand new and exclusive to the book, others are just short extracts taken from other published books. I'm trying to think of something positive to say about this book but I honestly can't.

I had many problems with the book however the main issue for me was the concept. An anthology of YA, great to discover new authors, right? Sadly not. There seems to be something so invasive about reading about love over and over again, not knowing any character background or seeing there relationship develop. To me it feels like the mildest form of porn. It makes me uncomfortable. In addition, I've read most of the books in it, I know the characters well. It was nice to revisit them, but I don't remember any of them for their love scenes, I would have like different extracts which truly show the best of their personalities. That brings me to the main problem, STEREOTYPING. The YA genre has been given a reputation of soppy love stories, and this book hands the critics what they want on a plate. Grasshopper Jungle, I Am The Messenger, More Than This, these are more than love. They are thought provoking, society challenging, complex novels, yet they have been chosen to be surmised as books about "modern, star crossed lovers".

I can't be wholly negative, for I am sure there are some people who would love this book. Maybe I'm just too old for it, maybe it would suit younger teens. If you like the sound of it, give it a go, it may become one of your favorites and we can argue our points of view. I'd love that. Books are very personal and for me this just wasn't the one.