A review by constantreader471
Last Words by Michael Koryta


I enjoyed reading this library book and recommend it to mystery fans. Markus Novak is an investigator for Innocence Incorporated, a law firm specializing in defending death row clients. He is still grieving over the murder of his wife, also an investigator for the same firm. He is sent to Garrison, Indiana, in response to a strange request from Ridley Barnes, number 1 suspect in the murder of Sarah Martin, ten years ago. Ridley wants them to find out the truth. He doesn't remember anything beyond coming out of a cave with Sarah's body. The whole town of Garrison thinks that he is the killer and crazy to boot. He talks to the cave and refers to it as "she."

Markus has been sent here to get him out the way while the board of directors decides whether or not to fire him or suspend him for a serious violation of their rules. He intends to interview a few people and go back to Florida after 1 day. It is January and he arrives at the start of a blizzard with no winter clothes. But then he meets a woman who claims to be Sarah's mother(he later finds out that she committed suicide several years ago). He gets a phone call from a reporter and he mentions that he interviewed Sarah's mother. The reporter publishes a story that makes Markus look like a fool.
Markus is then kidnapped, beaten, and left to die in the cave. What happens after that is like peeling an onion, as each person in Garrison has their own agenda. Markus does put all the pieces together. I liked the ending. It has a setup to continue the series, but is not a cliffhanger.

I am counting this for Indiana in my US state challenge.