A review by mrage17
On Becoming a Person: A Therapist's View of Psychotherapy by Carl R. Rogers


I remember learning about Rogers in my introduction to counselling class. His conditions of being accepting, genuine and empathic have become the foundations of therapy. What I didn't know what his commitment to scientific methodology and the extents he went to validate his beliefs through research. The book starts off strong but falls off a little towards the end. I think one of the big reasons is that he focuses on a lot of research and emerging theories in the field that don't feel ground-breaking in 2022.

I would recommend this book to anyone who would consider themselves a helping professional. There is a profound depth to Rogers simple ideas that can only be understood by reading his essays. I would also recommend watching his sessions on youtube to see him in action. This book made a big impact on me as recently as I became immersed in learning about different types of therapy, I neglected the most important thing, the therapeutic relationship between the therapist and the client.