A review by kk7
Late Eclipses by Seanan McGuire


All of the reviews said to give this storyline a chance and that things picked up after the first few books. Apparently, I am there! Fast-paced and full of action. Toby had to face some hard truths about herself, the people that she loves and what true immortality means. There is one thing that I did not care for in this book,
Spoiler I realize that Toby and Conner had a romance in the past that his family ended, I realize that his marriage to a crazy b****is purely political, I am STILL NOT A FAN of the kissing and hand holding etc. He is married. His wife has her issues but Toby and Conner are both aware of the partial reason for her anger and brokenness. I am not giving her a free pass for her cruelty, especially to her mother, but I also don't think it was right for Toby and Conner to parade their feelings in front of her. With that said, part of my problem with Toby and Conner's possible reunion now that he is divorced is the fact that I would really like to see a romance with Toby and the Cat King!