A review by leavingsealevel
The Other Side of the Island by Allegra Goodman


This kinda reminded me of [b:Brave New World|5129|Brave New World|Aldous Huxley|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41SJW829TEL._SL75_.jpg|3204877], except that I liked this better. Pretty sure that is a comment (and not a positive one) on the reader, rather than on the books. Sort of the literary version of an error ID ten T.

At first I was annoyed that librarians appeared to be evil in Goodman's dystopian future...but then I found out that the POSTAL SERVICE is also evil. If you are in the resistance, the POSTAL SERVICE can come to your house and kidnap you in a postal bag. That is really grounds for five stars, all on its own.

Not Suzanne Collins or JK Rowling, but not good for mindless YA reading during third year tenure review hell.