A review by tania_kliphuis
Air Babylon by Imogen Edwards-Jones


I found this book hilarious.

The way it is written is interesting, as it has the fiction essentials: main characters and an interesting plot. However, all of the incidents and characters are supposedly true - albeit a bit squashed into 24 hours.

This book made me want to be nice to every person working in an airport. If they can really get that nasty then I don't want to cross them. I was also tempted to become terrified of flying, but figure that it's out of my hands anyway so may as well not freak myself out.

If you care to know what really goes on in the cockpit and behind-the-scenes at airports, then read this book. Don't bother though if you don't have a sense of humour, and think that air stewards are braindead waiters in the sky who don't deserve some respect.