A review by ccgwalt
Primary Inversion by Catherine Asaro


TBR Challenge 2011: General read- this book has been on my TBR list for over 6 months.
SFR Reading Challenge 2011: This finishes my "Earth Level" for the challenge, 5 sci-fi rom books in 2011. The "Moon Level" means reading 15 sci-fi rom book in 2011, and I may try for it.
SOA Listening Challenge 2011- Listen to a new-to-you author.


Primary Inversion is a a difficult book to categorize. It definitely has romance, but it's not a typical "romance" novel. There is a "happy for now" with the hope of a "happy ever after," which is important to me as a reader, but there is so much more to this book. I think the main appeal of this book to the romance reader would be the intensely character-driven story. The sci-fi details are intricate and amazing, but the character development trumps even that. Sauscony is an amazing heroine. Her personal journey through this book is heart-rending and satisfying.

This is one of many books set in the Skolian Empire, and I plan on returning there to "visit" in the not-too-distant future.

I listened to the audiobook from audible.com narrated by the always excellent Anna Fields.