A review by kthumphrey
Ejaculate Responsibly: A Whole New Way to Think About Abortion by Gabrielle Stanley Blair

informative fast-paced


I never fully considered how men are so much more fertile than women so the solutions to unwanted pregnancies should be placed on them. However, this book failed to discuss solutions to the problem to the depth I wanted to see. Of course women will take birth control because it is the most effective. I agree scientific research needs to be placed on men’s birth control whole heartedly. But men’s birth control pills/etc. do not yet exist, because the science to back it does not yet exist. Plus it’s not as effective as birth control options for women + condoms. As a young women, I know a lot of my friends combine the pill + condoms + pulling out. I think this is common and the book did not address this. I do relate to the fact that multiple men have requested to not use condoms for multiple women I know. This is failed sex Ed and failed discussion as a society. This will be something I work on with my circle to educate my friends about. 

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