A review by misslover
Pride by Rachel Vincent


So I will admit this took me along time to read, with stopping several times to pick up another book, I'm not going to say I didn't enjoy it. I thoroughly enjoyed it. As ever, I am loving Faythe more and more.

The biggest emotion I felt in this book? Anger, and LOTS of it. I have never felt such anger and hatred towards a character in a really long time. Oh Mr. Malone. You greedy, selfish, worthless POS. I wanted jump into the middle of that story and be like "HEY YOU, SMARTEN THE HELL UP!!" And then yes I would probably throat punch him, or something equally painful.

I couldn't believe that things would actually turn out the way that they had. I figured that some loop-hole would come out and at the end we would all do our little victory dance. Wow, was I sure mistaken.

I'm pretty sure I am the last one to ever read this series, and from all the amazing friends who also love this series, who are also finished, there isn't much more for me to say...

Only, that Rachel Vincent has become one of my favorite authors ;)