A review by elliefufu
Heart Search by Robin D. Owens


Heart Search: A Celta Novel, Book 10 by Robin D. Owens

Grade: B

“Isn’t that the way most men want to die? During sex? Hell, I wouldn’t mind it, either.”

Camellia Darjeeling is a very successful owner of two teashops, has two of the best friends anyone could ever want and has just gotten her very own FamCat, Mica. Everything should be perfect except her father and uncle have come back into her life and are trying to steal everything that she has worked so hard for. Add in her deepest secret, her true HeartMate, who she has been running into again and again and Camellia is in way over her head. She must soon decide if she can ever trust a man completely or if she has to walk away from the greatest love she could ever have.

Laev T’Hawthorn made a terrible mistake at the young age of seventeen of believing a girl when she says that she was his true HeartMate and has lived with the guilt and public humiliation for over a decade. Now, two years after his wife’s death, he discovers his wife was stealing his family heirlooms and he is determined to get them back. Because of his wife’s treachery, Laev is determined not to marry for a very long time, if ever again but meeting Camellia changes all that. A mysterious ex-lover of his ex-wife is now threatening him and Camellia. Laev must fight with all his power to convince Camellia to take a chance on them and save her before her father, uncle or the ex-lover act on their threats.

Heart Search is book #10 in the Celta Novel series and I loved that I had no problems jumping right into the world on Druida and right into the story. The book was more science fiction romance then paranormal romance but I found that I really enjoyed it. What I think made it so easy not to get lost was at the beginning of the book there is a list of characters with a little description of each person or animal. I found this very helpful and I wish that more authors would do this, especially in the front of the book instead of the back.

Heart Search is set in the city of Druida on the planet of Celta which was founded years ago by travelers from Earth. I’m not sure why people left Earth and it’s not explained at all in the book. Laev is a descendant of one of the first families that settled in Celta and is considered one of the twelve noble families. His high ranking in society and his family fortune are the reasons that his wife lied about being his HeartMate and it has scared him from getting involved with women. I really liked Laev and enjoyed watching his defenses crumble as he fell for Camellia. His search for his family’s heirlooms was a little boring at first but I loved how it all tied together in the end.

Camellia is one very complex, very broken woman. Her father abandoned her, her mother and younger brother when she was very young and now comes back into her life with her uncle to rob her and abuse her whenever they need money. Her story is very sad and I found myself feeling very sorry for her and mad that even though she continued to report her father and uncle to the police and take self defense classes nothing stopped them from abusing her or stealing from her. I loved her two tea houses and the great descriptions and details of what they looked like and what make them so special.

The world of Celta is very interesting and different then anything I’ve ever read about and I found it so fascinating. The way people dressed, greeted one another and the HeartMates was so new and fresh and I find myself wanting to know more and more about this world. The FamCats were the best part of the book and provided the most humor. FamCats are cats that are assigned to an individual as a companion and are held as a high status symbol. The FamCats telepathically voice what they want to say not only with each other but with everyone else. They provide a lot of humor and I really want one.

This was a really good book and I just loved everything about Celta and the HeartMates. I found some of the story a little slow but it got really good at the end. Laev and Camellia are great characters and it was really fun to watch them let down their guard and learn to trust and love one another. I am very excited to go back and start the series at the beginning and see how much more I can learn about this great new world that I just can’t seem to get enough of.