A review by alisonalisonalison
Summerwode by J. Tullos Hennig


Utterly captivating. This is the fourth book in an amazing historical epic fantasy series re-telling the Robin Hood myths and it definitely does not stand alone. This series is so special to me and my high expectations for this book were most definitely met, and exceeded. What a wonderful, satisfying book. I absolutely loved it and savoured every minute.

While the third book, [b:Winterwode|26138445|Winterwode (The Wode, #3)|J. Tullos Hennig|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1440137978s/26138445.jpg|46091116], was Marion's, and the final book, Wyldingwode, is to be Robyn's, this book is centred around Gamelyn. Throughout this series, Gamelyn, who grew up a devout Christian intending a life in the church and is now a Knight Templar, has struggled with his destiny: that he is the Summerlord of the heathen Old Religion and holds potent magic within him. The powerful love he and Robyn Hood share and his wish to commit to the pagan ways of the Wode war with his Templar loyalties and his nobleman's upbringing, and, all the while, fear and uncertainty and denial are keeping him captive and holding him back. The internal conflicts and passive indecision of the past years are tearing him apart and are making those he loves suffer almost as much as he himself. The time has come for him to make a decision or lose everything that matters. Emotional turmoil and enormous frustrations dog each of our heroes in this instalment.

Robyn and Marion and the others, along with brooding Gamelyn, have plenty of other complications to contend with this time around, including King Richard, Queen Mother Eleanor, a pack of Templars, a heap of bickering noblemen, the fae, a siege on Nottingham Castle, a possible pardon for the outlaws, and more. All this adds up to a cracking good read with one hell of a dramatic ending.

This book is completely riveting and so full of depth and layers and adventure and history. It's exciting and intense and emotional and long and thorough and so all-consuming. I've only just finished and I'm already reading it again. These books are immersive and so incredibly satisfying and are among my favourite books ever. I've rarely read characters that have been so meaningful to me. This series makes me laugh and cry and simply feel so much. The story has been building and building over four long books and, with one more book to come, I cannot wait to see how it all finishes!

Also, Serena Yates' review is excellent.