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A review by laurenjodi
The Black Ice by Michael Connelly


The Black Ice
4 Stars

When the apparent suicide of narcotics officer, Cal Moore, is linked to two of his unsolved homicide cases, Detective Harry Bosch’s investigation leads him on a dark and twisted path that places him, not only in the middle of a complex web of lies and deceit, but within the crosshairs of one of Mexico’s most notorious drug kingpins. With numerous players intent on hindering his progress, Harry’s stalwart determination might get him through or it might get him killed.

Drug dealers and corrupt cops are not particularly appealing themes. Nevertheless, the mystery is well-developed with several compelling twists and turns, although the final revelation is rather predictable as
Spoilercorpses without faces always raise suspicions concerning identity
. Moreover, there is an appropriate sense of poetic justice in the climax and resolution.

The characterization is one of the highlights of the book. The details of Harry’s past enhance the complexity of his character and the juxtaposition with Cal Moore’s upbringing adds nuance to both their actions and motivations.

My one issue with the book is the writing. As in the first book, there are overly descriptive sections particularly during the action scenes toward the end, which cause the story to drag a little. Hopefully, this will improve in later installments.

In sum, The Black Ice is an edgy police procedural with an enigmatic hero whose appeal only increases from book to book.