A review by comicsandbookdragon
Beneath the Surface by M.A. Church


Book provided by MA Church and read on behalf of Thorns & Ink, LLC.

I love shifters and this is no secret. I especially love it when an author takes on a timeless mythical creature. Ms. Church brings merpeople to the modern age with a touch of social commentary. She marries modern social topics with a flare that is often over looked. Though, in this story it is brief, she nails the point home about consent. It is a brief scene, but very worthy of praise. This book was published was first published in 2016 and re-released in 2017, she remains ahead in addressing social climate well before it becomes fashionable.

Now to the plot. This is what I call a “slice of life” book. The major conflict is simple and sweet. There’s no saving the world before bedtime or a plot driven on hectic personal drama and trauma. This is comfort reading at it’s finest. She has another one that is like this (Dragon’s Hoard) and if you haven’t read, I really recommend it.

This is a story that I read when I want reassurance that all isn’t lost. I read this when I feel an episode coming on. It soothes my soul. This is one of those stories that is like a perfect spring day. Thoughtful, warm, erotic, and engaging.

All of the characters are multidimensional. They would easily slip into our world with ease. Blue hair and all. I know I usually go into specific character dynamics, but in this case I won’t. I want you, the reader to see what I mean.

This is a story that will have you smiling long after the last page is finished. Perhaps in your dreams you will rise with the waves and meet the tide at sunset.