A review by fortheloveoffictionalworlds
Arranged by Lexi Blake


Kash Kamdar, the King of Lao Mali; was introduced in what is probably my favorite of the Masters & Mercenaries Series – Love and Let Die; and though he was a wonderfully quirky character who was always on the background, I honestly did not expect him to have his book or even such hidden depth.

I did not go into the book, expecting much; but then again, it’s a Lexi Blake book; so I knew that I shouldn’t be worried and that I would find my way and in the process, definitely enjoy what she dishes out.

Day and Kash were friends, friends who really wanted to be more for each other, and just when they were finally getting their chance, Kash’s world comes crashing down and they lose their way.

Before this book, Kash is seen as some glorified playboy with not much brains; but that honestly couldn’t be further away from the truth – and really I am actually guilty of thinking the same. This book blew all my assumptions into smithereens – Kash was a complex characters with hidden layers that even I was left astounded.

But the one who stole the show was Day; the brilliant intelligent independent woman who took no prisoners and never let anyone walk all over her – and trust me, being an Indian, I know how easy it is to bow down to the societal pressure that infinitely present everywhere around you. And the fact that I could identify with that strength gave me all the more reasons to enjoy this unexpected pairing.

There are so many hidden depths to secondary characters; the ones we never give a second thought to – and it is the skill of the author to bring out such characters to the fore-front, and no one does it better than Lexi Blake.

And if you still haven’t started off with the Masters and Mercenaries Series; don’t worry I have got you covered – all the books, including this one are standalones, but even then you can get to understand this world of Lexi Blake right here!

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