A review by marilynw
The Chase by Candice Fox


The Chase by Candice Fox
David de Vries (Narrator), Lisa Negron (Narrator)

After enjoying Fox's Crimson Lake series, I wanted to try another of her books. Fox has a wonderful way of writing animals into her books and I love that about her four books that I've heard. But The Chase wasn't a good fit for me for several reasons.

When 600 of the world’s most violent criminals are released from Pronghorn Correctional Facility, due to a hostage situation, no one is safe. For personal reasons, Death Row Supervisor Celine Osbourne is determined to catch family annihilator, John Kradle, putting his crime of murdering three family members above the crimes of convicts that murdered many more people. This puts her at odds with US Marshal Trinity Parker, who is in charge of the round up of these criminals and who has a much more clear headed plan of action. Sadly, both women are presented as if they are cat fighting young teens, childishly sniping at each other until Trinity punches Celine in the gut to show her who's boss.

My favorite character was John Kradle, who is determined to prove his innocence by ferreting out who really did kill his family. His already impossible task is made even harder when one of the escaped serial killers latches onto him and won't go away. Now John has to keep others from being killed by this leech while trying to avoid capture and being killed himself. I wish the book could have focused more on Kradle and less on all the other characters that are thrown into the mix because I think that would have made a tighter and more interesting story.

The audiobook has two narrators and that decision just made the book even harder to follow. With way too many characters, we also have to deal with the characters having two different people narrating their lines. The female narrator handled things from Celine and Trinity's POV and the male narrator handled things from the viewpoint of the convicts. Once these people start interacting with each other, the characters literally have two voices. For instance, Kradle sounds like a rough voiced old guy for most of the book until the female narrator has to voice him and then he sounds like a soft voiced young guy. The audiobook would have worked much better, for me, with one narrator.

Publication: March 8th 2022

Thank you to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for this ARC.