A review by thepaperreels
The Queen of Bright and Shiny Things by Ann Aguirre

Did not finish book.



I know, I know. You're judging me right now. I think this book is just not for me. Every turn of page of is such a struggle for me. I only have two emotions while reading this: Frustration and Boredom. Like, should I be annoyed or should I just let sleep take over? And aside from that..the main character, Sage, really irritates me with her stalker-ish behaviour. Not. Cool.

Basically this is a love story between two misfits. Yes, the guy, Shane is not a playboy and popular. He's the new guy. The brooding and mysterious new guy who plays the guitar and Sage can't get enough of him.

"I wonder if he knows how bad I want to keep him here,just so I can look at him." - Sage


Uhm yeah, she's not my kind of MC.

"Until this moment, I didn't realize I was walking around all this time with a Shane-shaped hole inside of me" - Sage. CHAPTER THREE!



This girl is so sad I feel bad...for me. I can't believe I went through with all of this.

I have nothing to say about Shane since he didn't caught my attention that much. Which is a big surprise because she's all Sage can think about. The romance didn't work on me either. It's cheesiness makes me rage because of some unexplainable reason but I have a theory that it's all because of this girl  Sage. She really tested my patience. 

"He wraps his fingers around mine, and I think, I could live in your eyes."



I.. I don't know. Sage doesn't really make sense to me. We really don't click. From other reviewers, I learned that the authors other books are really good. So maybe I'll try them because I did like Aguirre's writing in here. Very simple and readable. So. It's not that the book is bad. Okay , Sage, for me, is bad and that's why it didn't work for me. This kind of cheesiness doesn't work for me anymore. The depth that I was looking for wasn't found and the main character really pissed me off. 

I blame all of this to you, Sage.

You can also read my review HERE alt= alt= alt=