A review by lauriereadsrom1
Who Wants to Marry a Doctor? by Abigail Sharpe


I very much enjoyed Abigail Sharpe's "Who Wants to Marry a Doctor?", a funny, sweet, and surprisingly emotional story that featured endearing characters and a well-crafted romance. I really liked the female lead, Dr. Sabrina Bankhead, a compassionate and caring pediatrician with quite a lot on her plate as the single mother of a young son, Noah. Sabrina agreed to participate in a reality dating show in order to raise money for renovations to her pediatric hospital, but had no intention of actually following through with a relationship - at least, not until she met Quinn Donnelly, an investigative journalist home on leave to recover from injuries he sustained in Afghanistan who had agreed to serve as the show's host.

Like Sabrina, Quinn was very dedicated to his job, and he was determined to recover from his injuries as quickly as possible so that he could return to Afghanistan and complete his assignment. Neither of them was looking for a serious relationship and they knew that getting involved with each other was against the rules, but they couldn't help being drawn together from the moment they met. Unfortunately, they couldn't keep things between them a secret forever, and when their relationship was revealed to the public, most of the community turned against Sabrina while things between her and Quinn fell apart. After that, I found it very easy to root for them to get their relationship back on track and figure out a way to make it work long-term, despite all of the obstacles still standing in their way.

I enjoyed getting to know several of the book's secondary characters in addition to Quinn and Sabrina, especially Sabrina's sister Melora. She seemed to have quite an interesting background, and I hope that the author will consider telling her story (and maybe matching her up with husband #5) in a future book.

Overall, I highly recommend "Who Wants to Marry a Doctor?" for all fans of contemporary romance and look forward to checking out more of Abigail Sharpe's work in the future.

*Review copy provided by the author via L. Woods PR. All opinions expressed are my own.