A review by gabiirayner
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness


I'm so sorry to Ms. Harkness but this is without a shadow of a doubt the worst book I have ever read. It is 688 pages long and takes until the final hundred for there to be anything of REMOTE intrigue, whilst all the rest of the time is spent doing absolutely nothing aside from Diana reading, Diana drinking tea, Diana whining about Matthew, Diana walking to a library, Diana rowing, Diana being watched by Matthew, Diana sleeping. GOOD GOD IT'S SO BORING?? Nothing makes any sense and the reader is either treated like they're stupid and need things spelled out for them OR like they have the exact same academic understanding and experience as the author and so don't need explanations, no in between.

Diana and Matthew themselves are so painfully unlikeable I can't even begin to describe it, and the only characters I cared for and wanted to know more about were Marcus and Miriam, who get barely a mention aside from being Matthew's lackeys. I'm so so so disappointed and even though yes I will be googling a summary of the next two books just for my own personal closure, I will absolutely not be reading on.