A review by dantastic
Hercules: Adventures of the Man-God Archive by Joe Gill


This is going to be another quick one since my family is still recovering from the snotty, shitty plague we were stricken with yesterday.

This collects Hercules 1-13, published by Charlton in the 1960s. Joe Gill and Denny O'Neil split the writing chores and Sam Glanzman did the writing. It chronicles the 12 labors of Hercules.

This wasn't exactly bad but I wanted it to be better than it was. The writing was average but the big disappointment was how uneven the drawing was, odd considering it was all Sam Glanzman. I wonder if he was behind the eightball on some of the issues because he made some weird ass choices with panels. His Hercules has weird shaped eyes and an odd profile, odder still because most of the other characters had normal eyes and profiles.

Still, when Sam was on, he was on all the way. The monsters look great and some panels are jammed with figures. Even though this was a few years after Kona, I think his Kona art was better for the most part. I don't know what the fuck was going on with the art on this. I think this one is going to Half Price Books.