A review by owlsreads
The Body Keeper by Anne Frasier


#1 The Body Reader: ★★★★★
#2 The Body Counter: ★★★☆☆


3 stars.


The Body Keeper was a quick read, but nothing all that mind-blowing or engaging. The plot wasn't as well developed and kind of just went from one point to another in a straightforward manner without much being added to it. The main reveal was also really predictable and I was able to guess it from the very beginning, so that took some of the enjoyment out of the story.

The characters were still pretty complex and Jude's POV continued to be great. Uriah also got some character development moments! He was not featured as much, but the bits we saw of him showed he's changed quite a bit since the beginning of the series. They also both had an overall hopeful tone to their chapters that wasn't present before and that was lovely to get from them.

There were some important plot points there were touched on, like Eliot's entire situation with Jude, but that was still mostly brushed off? Nothing was addressed in depth and I found that the lack of development on that part bothered me quite a bit. It was a big revelation that didn't seem to get as much attention as it deserved. So, quick read but a lukewarm one.