A review by novelheartbeat
Liars, Inc. by Paula Stokes


I mentioned in my review of The Art of Lainey that I was really impressed by  how much Paula's storytelling had improved since Venom. I was even more impressed with it in this one!

The mystery aspect of this book was awesome! I really liked the secrets and lies - I love stories where the bad guy could be anyone, so you start to mistrust every single person in the story. This one was like that! At every turn I was wondering who was trying to frame Max, and second-guessing everyone's motives.

There was kind of an underlying moral in this book: That lies are like a tangled web, and the more you try to wiggle your way out of them, the more they wrap around you tighter until you can't get out. What started out as a small lie to Max ended up getting him in serious trouble! There were also times where I kinda wanted to throttle him, because if he had just told the truth from the beginning he wouldn't have dug his hole so deep. (Seriously, it's the cops, why would you continue a silly cover story?!)

I enjoyed the journey in uncovering all of the secrets surrounding Preston! It was kind of crazy, too - all the videos they found, the situation with Parvati, and the events surrounding Preston's family.
SpoilerI totally never guessed that it was Preston himself - or rather, Adam parading as Preston - setting Max up, and that it was over jealousy of a stolen life! That was insane and so was the real Preston's death O_O

I would definitely recommend this book for fans of mystery! It's fairly short and fast paced, so I gobbled it up in just a few hours. Great job, Paula!

This review was originally posted on Novel Heartbeat. To see a breakdown of my assessment, please visit the full review here.