A review by nilu_reads
Magic Shifts by Ilona Andrews


Ilona Andrews once again blows my mind with this latest KD installment. This writing duo just knows how to hit all the right buttons when it comes to story telling!

One thing I loved about this book was how we get to see another side of Curran without the Beast Lord mantle or the weight of the Keep dictating his every move. It was great to see Kate & Curran be domesticated and run a "normal" household. Well as normal as it can get in their world.

We get to see more interactions between Roland and Kate. I liked the "family" dinner at Applebees. I am not sure if I like or hate Roland.. I think I like him so far. His character is well written and Ilona doesn't try to make him redeemable at all.

The relationship between Kate and Curran has grown leaps and bounds and this is the first book where I have seen Curran be vulnerable and bare his heart to us. Those scenes just hits you with the emotion in them.

I gotta admit, I loved the interaction between Curran and Julie. It was adorable and touching.

And the villain of the book/adventure doesn't fail as well. She has lived up to it and I like how in the end we see the "lesson" Kate learns with this villain.

All in all, another stellar book in this series. I wld definitely be recommending this book to everyone.