A review by findingpeaceinabook
Een leven op onze planeet by David Attenborough


I would have given this book 3 or 4 stars, but I'm giving it 5, as I want as many people as possible to read this book.

I imagined this book would leave me feeling hopeless and sad, and the first (biggest) part of this book did. I know we are in deep sh*t. It's not pleasant to be faced with it. Then, the view on the future is described. The future, if we manage to make it so, doesn't sound like one of sacrifice and hardships to me. (Even if there will be sacrifices and there will be hardships, obviously.) If we manage to properly inform the people in power, in whatever form of power, our lives will be sustainable, as well as beautiful and happy.
Products that don't break and can be fixed? Green cities? Plant-based diet with a little occasional meat if so preferred? Rewilding? Different kind of farming? Working together? YES PLEASE!

So I finished this book inspired.
I WANT THIS. And also, we desperately need this.
Who is with me?