A review by howlinglibraries
Walk Through Hell Volume 1 by Garth Ennis


This was my first time trying anything by Garth Ennis after being disappointed by Preacher a while back, so I wasn't sure what to expect, and even now, having read this, I'm not entirely certain how I feel about it! There's a lot of good, and a lot of bad, too, to be unpacked in this graphic novel.

The good:
- interesting characters
- diversity (2 queer MCs, multiple POC characters)
- interesting social commentary on the current sociopolitical climate in the US and how it affects minorities
- a few really creepy and/or disturbing scenes

The bad:
- you're immediately thrown into a bizarre scenario with no back story or information about what's happening
- there's very little "logic" to what's happening (i.e., how are people chosen? who "deserves" it and who doesn't?)
- volume 1's ending feels very abrupt and premature

So, all in all, this is a pretty mixed bag, but I'm intrigued enough to say I think I'd like to read volume 2 sometime, and the things that I did like about this graphic novel have me weighing the possibility of giving Preacher another try while I wait.

Thank you so much to the publisher for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review!