A review by anabelsbrother
Allure by Nina Lane


First read: Jan 2015
Reread: Feb 2018

I realized the other day that I've never reread this series so here I am.

Ugh I'm so invested in Dean and Liv, as well as their marriage. I love how realistic their marriage is; they are crazy in love with each other, but life happens and more than often they tend to hurt each other the most.

I especially love Liv's character development. I love seeing her grow and realize her self-worth and her own strength. I love seeing her standing her ground against Dean and his overprotective tendencies, and I love seeing her prove to Dean that she's not as fragile as she seems.

Dean can be one-minded in his need to protect Liv, which is understandable because Liv has been through so much and he wants to give only good things after they married. As much as his constant need for control drives me nuts, I love that he's willing to admit and own up to his mistakes in their marriage, and that he's willing to change.

Also, we got the first introduction to Archer West *hearteyes* Dean's past with his brother was tumultuous, but I love the glimpse of the goodness between them too (Dean remembering Archer's weird fav sandwich, their castles and knights games). I'm rereading Break the Sky after this.

On to the next Liv and Dean book!