A review by kaydanielsromance
A Borrowed Boyfriend by Angela Casella


A light, whimsical romcom involving a fake boyfriend, a jilted bride meme, and a fairy godmother team who comes to the rescue.

This is a brand new interconnected series set in Asheville filled with tons of fun. From the very beginning the hero and heroine have great chemistry and the secondary characters offer the perfect ebb and flow to the plot without getting in the way. It's the right mix for a good romcom.

Marnie lost her father and was a jilted bride (who became a popular meme of said jilting) all within the last year, she's currently not living her best life. When her famous sister - yes, famous - asks  why she couldn't have possibly moved on yet, well...Marnie's had enough and makes up a fake boyfriend named Mitchell Mountainbottom - yeah, Marnie doesn't work well under pressure.

Do you know who does work well under pressure? Her new fairy godparents, that's who. Nicole and Damien send Mitchell Mountainbottem to Marnie's doorstep the very next morning, well, really his name is Griffin, but he's sweet and completely fake, so he goes along with the awful name and lots of other things in the name of helping out a woman he actually likes.

You know what they say, no good deed goes unpunished. Sadly, Griffin for all of his helpfulness and sweet intentions gets caught up in a can of worms he didn't exactly plan on opening, but then again, he knew that can was sitting on his shelf.

Griffin is everything a boyfriend should be; dashing, handsome, thoughtful and sweet, but there is a darkness to his past that doesn't allow him to open up, not like Marnie who is an open book and easily loves and trusts everyone she meets. These two are adorable together and rock the charts for chemistry, but could their fake turn into something real?

A Borrowed Boyfriend is mischievous in the best of ways with lots of colorful side characters and charming fun romance.