A review by msnikkiwilks
The Truth of Right Now by Kara Lee Corthron


This book is so powerful and such a quick read. I wasn't ready for it to be over, and I'd love for Corthron to tell the aftermath of this story in another book. I have been in the periphery of this book's world for so long, and I had no idea. The subtleties, the nuances, the microaggressions that are part of my world that I have the privilege of choosing to ignore or confront hit me hard in this book.

Dari's struggle with the truth "I am an artist, I am a thinker, I am a person" is constantly in the background with the question he poses to Lily "Didn't you know I was born guilty?" I can't imagine living in this tension, but I am grateful for the unfortunate reality Corthron paints in this novel. As she reminded me so eloquently, "Honesty isn't easy. Or comfortable."

Here's to committing to having the honest and uncomfortable conversations and realizations​ that are needed now more than ever.

Thank you, Kara Lee Corthron!