A review by thestylishreader
Doom Patrol Vol. 1: Brick by Brick by Gerard Way


Coronavirus read #2 (sure, I’ll track it. Why not?)

Let me be clear: I want to rate it five stars because it is an amazingly well-done book, weird and strange in all of the beautiful ways possible! The art is fantastically wacky. The world building is epic. I’d like to thank Gerard Way for reminding me Danny the Living Street exists. Yes, that’s a thing! (Read the book)

I also want to rate it 3 stars because of how annoying it is. For the first two issues, you are completely thrown into a world where nothing makes sense (even if you do have a little bit of Doom Patrol under your belt already) and you’re just expected to go with the flow, with no explanations whatsoever. Unless of course the explanations make it weirder, in which case...the more explanations the merrier!

Let’s split the difference and make it 4 stars then. Thanks to this creative team, I will never have to try PCP or any similar drug. This book will do the trick just fine...