A review by takethyme
Bodyguard by Suzanne Brockmann


BODYGUARD is simple romance escapism and I liked it. The hero, Harry O'Dell, works for the F.B.I. He doesn't look perfect: large nose, thin lips, but full of muscles. He is fortyish in age, wears rumpled clothes, has a potty-mouth, his fuse is short and he has made a royal mess of his relationship with his kids. Oh, and he is not tall. In fact, just slightly taller than the heroine, Alessandra Lamont, if she doesn't wear heels. Or Al, as Harry likes to call her.

Now she is a different story. Blonde bombshell, trophy wife or should I say trophy widow, slim and perfect. One out of two isn't bad. I NEEDED to read a romance where everyone wasn't beautiful. It is too common nowadays when you read books and I ask you, how many people look perfect in real life?

So, back to the book. Though first published in 1999, the story is not dated. Al or Allie has a hit put on her after her ex-husband stole some money and then hid it. then he is murdered for it. Harry and his partner George get involved and become her bodyguards. But that is not all. There are some secondary stories that drive this romance. And it seems all the characters are fractured in some way. Again, it was nice to see that not everyone was perfect.

For the most part, the pacing of the storyline is good. It is our hero, Harry, who has some TSTL moments but that was sort of refreshing. Usually, it is the heroine in the story who does this. There are some times where you are rolling your eyes. And, especially towards the end, a few situations feel glossed over but all in all it was a pretty good romance.