A review by kirstyreviewsbooks
Driving Home for Christmas by Joanna Bolouri


Driving Home For Christmas by Joanna Bolouri

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to NetGalley and Quercus Books and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


Three Christmases.
Two broken hearts.
One hell of a journey.

Driving home marks the start of the holidays for Kate and Ed, who have made this journey every Christmas of their ten-year long relationship. Normally the seasonal hits blare from the car stereo, and they are guaranteed to be wearing ridiculous jumpers in anticipation, but this year a frosty silence fills the car...

A massive argument leads to the immediate collapse of their relationship. But the show must go on, so they decide to brave their families together one last time.

With three Christmases to celebrate, an old flame waiting under the mistletoe and a shed load of expectation around their future together, this most wonderful time of year is anything but. There will be turkey, tiffs and tantrums galore, but it's sure to be a Christmas they'll never forget.

My Opinion

I enjoyed Kate and Ed's story and how Joanna Bolouri told it through alternative timelines and viewpoints. Ed and Kate have plans to visit family over Christmas and when they break up on the journey cannot bring themselves to ruin Christmas for everyone. An engaging read with a lot of family drama - just what is needed at Christmas.

Rating 4/5