A review by fran11
The Brontë Myth by Lucasta Miller


An interesting look at the way that popular perceptions of the Bronte sisters informs a reading of their work (and vice versa). However it's kept from "5 star" status because it feels incomplete. Approximately half of the book is dedicated to Charlotte, and half to Emily. Anne earns about a paragraph. In doing this Miller not only misses out on the chance to explore why she's considered the "forgotten" sister and is not as widely read. She also falls into the same trap of so many others in forgetting. It also felt inconclusive, as if a final chapter were needed to tie together the author's ideas. Because they are good ideas. The story of the Bronte sisters (or the popular perception of it) is just as popular as their work- a rare phenomenon with authors. Miller tracks public perception of both the sisters lives and work to figure out why this is. I'm not sure she arrives at an answer, but it's an interesting journey.