A review by kellyg_5013
Ruin by Laurelin Paige


Ok I am so on the boarder.... after the Fixed trilogy I did not think that there was any way that I could come to like Celia. After Rivalry I was feeling bad for her. This man that she married, she knew he was not good.... but she thought that she could seduce him into being what she needed him to be, and when that didn't work I actually felt kind of bad for her because I felt like he was sending mixed signals and then she would take a leap just to fall and then crash on her face (again). Slay brought a whole new emotion out of me. After hearing more about her story, I don't like her yet.... but now I am not feeling bad for her like I was before.... But I feel like I better understand her and how she got into the situation she was in. And this is only the 2nd book of 4! I am quite sure that I will be a Celia fan by the time I get through with the 4th book and then I will have to go back and read Fixed Forever again so that I can see that with different eyes! Laurelin is breaking me down!!! BREAKING! ME! DOWN!!!! And I didn't think it was going to be possible. I LOVE when an author can make me love a character that they originally made me hate.