A review by amicarlton
Enchanted Flames by Lyndsey Hall


If you enjoy fantasy stories and helping people, then this is the book – and even better book series – for you! This group of fantasy writers has banded together to bring you short stories from their various fantastical worlds and each time they work together, they donate all profits to a different cause. This time around with Enchanted Flames, they’re donating the profits to helping communities prone to wildfires.

I love these books. While I wrote this review, I was literally in my church – where I serve as the chair of the social justice ministry – in case people need a place to cool off and get some water because the feels like temperatures are getting well into the triple digits where I live today. So, when fellow author Astrid V.J., approached me about helping to promote the #enchantedanthologies it was a literal no-brainer for me. I love what these authors are doing with a passion! And the excellent stories are lagniappe!

All of the stories are great, but I had three particular favorites – “To Steal a Kiss” by Sky Sommers, “Golden Apples,” by Astrid VJ, and "Cajun Cold Flames" by Donna White.

I have enjoyed Greta and Eddie’s story by Sky Sommers in by “Enchanted Forests,” and “Twice Upon A Name,” other charity anthologies by this group. The story amuses me greatly, and when I came across another installment I was delighted! It is worth picking up these other two books for that story alone! I always enjoy Astrid V.J.’s works, and this one was no exception. Her unique, coming-of-age tale blended with exceptional fantasy elements is a delight. Finally, as a New Orleans transplant, but Louisiana native how could I not love a story with Cajun in the name that stayed true to our roots? A Rougarou and a swamp? A New Orleans story that wasn’t just vampires and a romp in the French Quarter? Yes, please!! White’s story was a refreshing glimpse at a different side of New Orleans. Thank you!