A review by inthelunaseas
The Fire Rose by Mercedes Lackey


This book is a bit ridiculous, sure, and the writing a touch average, but I can't hate on it. I think it's the sheer ridiculousness and average writing that made it so fun for me to read. After all, there was nothing particular awful about this book for me. With all the horrible reviews, I was expecting something more like [b:Hush Hush|6339664|Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1)|Becca Fitzpatrick|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41WG6WSHdPL._SL75_.jpg|6525609]. Instead, it was a fairly average, maybe slightly bland fairy tale, with a woman who was perhaps a touch too liberated but still realistic, with the cliche terribly evil bad guys, and a somewhat grey good guy. The fact said good guy remains a half wolf in the end made the ending a lot more enjoyable for me.